New podcast – Teaching History
The Teaching History podcast is a creation of the students of the PED4723 course of the 2022-2024 cohort of teacher education at the University of Ottawa. You will discover the final product of a long-term…
Marking the 100th Anniversary of the Victoria Chinese Students’ Strike
On September 5, 2022, over 600 people in Victoria, BC, commemorated the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the Chinese Students Strike. Timothy J. Stanley explores this historical event in this recently published article.
Transatlantic Exchanges: Histories, Cultures, and Languages Beyond National Borders.
The University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Education invites you to attend a virtual conference in partnership with Louisiana State University entitled: Transatlantic Exchanges: Histories, Cultures, and Languages Beyond National Borders. This conference seeks to establish relations and educational exchanges…
Simulation of climate change in Civilization VI Gathering Storm
In this article, Vincent Boutonnet and Marco Barroca-Paccard explore Civilization VI’s Gathering Storm expansion, which offers significant new features including the effects of fossil resource consumption on CO2 emissions, climate change simulation, and occurrence of…
THE CASTLETON MASSACRE: Survivors’ Stories of the Killins Femicide
How did a former United Church minister kill every woman in his family but one, all in one evening? In their new book, Sharon Anne Cook and Margaret Carson explore the Castleton Massacre, a femicide…
L’histoire Franco-Ontarienne toujours négligée dans les écoles anglophones
La lutte contre le règlement 17, la crise scolaire de Sturgeon Falls, la Loi sur les services en français ou encore, la bataille judiciaire pour sauver Montfort… Ces épisodes marquants de l’histoire franco-ontarienne demeurent méconnus des élèves anglophones ontariens, malgré la révision du curriculum en…
More Articles
Congratulations to Dr. Raphaël Gani, Ph.D!
On Wednesday, May 25, our student member Raphaël Gani successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled ”Whose Francophone Perspectives Inquiring into the History, Means and Implementation of an Alberta Social Studies Curriculum Mandate”. We warmly congratulate him and wish him the best of success in his…
Learning from the past, Navigating the present, and Shaping the future- CSSE 50th conference
2022 marks CSSE’s 50th anniversary, and the 50th annual conference!To celebrate this occasion, and to support our reflections on this year’sconference theme – Learning from the past, Navigating the present, andShaping the future – CSSE is pleased to feature a video address from HerExcellency the Right Honourable…
Teaching and learning the legacy of residential schools for remembering and reconciliation in Canada
In 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada released a Final Report containing 94 Calls to Action. Included were calls for reform in how history is taught in Canadian schools, so that students may learn to address such difficult topics in Canadian history…