January 19th at 3pm, join us for the next event in the series Building Connections: Mobilizing Indigenous Histories for Social Change, for this presentation by Margaretta James, President of the Land of Maquinna Cultural Society. A mother, grandmother and great grandmother, Margaretta James has lived among the Nootka of the Nuu-chah-nulth people for several decades. Of Salish and Asian lineage, her love of history and early urban American schooling in Seattle, Washington, inspired Margarita’s community endeavours in Indigenous education, heritage preservation and cultural interpretation. In her role as President of the Land of Maquinna Cultural Society for over twenty years, her focus has included Canadian historic site awareness, repatriation and global cultural tourism.
To register: https://uottawa-ca.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mei_w_y9SVecWNPlanr5WQ