On February 15, join Marie-Hélène Brunet, member of the ERU, and Raphaël Gani, doctoral candidate, at the next Research Conversation Series session, where they will present some current research in didactics of history at the University of Ottawa. One of these studies focuses on the differences between the French and English versions of history programs intended for Ontario students (7th, 8th and 10th grades). A comparative analysis of these programs reveals interesting differences that cannot be understood without taking into account the context in which they emerge. A more detailed analysis from the angle of Anglophone-Francophone power relations reveals a differentiated agency of Francophones in the historical linguistic struggles concerning them in the two programs. The interpretation of these differences, while little documented, provides a basis for dialogue for Anglophone and Francophone curriculum developers and educators in Ontario and beyond.
This session will only be in French. To register: https://uottawa-ca.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0udeqhpz8rGNzGKLQ08Ixx5S94pEMXRpuQ